Kathy Miles
Bone House
Bān-hūs; 'a charnel house; the human body'. 'Bone House' explores our physical relationship not only with the earth, but with what lies beneath it; that 'shamble of rubble and forgotten time' where our history and memories are buried. As we walk the land we learn to read and interpret it, to listen to its sounds, and re-connect with it through music, language and the ancient words and traditions of the past.

ISBN 978-1-912876-34-1
68 pages
£10.00 +P&P

Kathy Miles was born in Liverpool and now lives in West Wales. Her third poetry collection, 'Gardening with Deer', was published by Cinnamon Press in 2016, and a pamphlet, 'Inside the Animal House', by Rack Press in 2018. Her poetry appears widely in magazines and anthologies, and she is a previous winner of the Second Light, Welsh Poetry and Wells Festival competitions, as well as the Bridport Prize. A co-editor of 'The Lampeter Review', Kathy is a frequent reader at literary events.