Leah Larwood
In this collection Leah has used dream incubation techniques, or else lucid dreams, to develop this metaphysical and cyclical book of poetry that starts by entering the hypnogogic (first stage of sleep) before diving into vivid dreams, nightmares, insomnia and lucid dreams. After a spell of nocturnal shadow work, the poems wake via the hypnopompic state (final phase of sleep) before surfacing in the ‘fertile void’ of a new day.

ISBN 978-1-912876-88-4
Paperback 52 pages
£9.50 +P&P

Leah Larwood is an award-winning poet, a freelance writer and a gestalt psychotherapist. She has an MA in creative writing and has been widely published by a number of literary magazines. Many of her poems have won or been placed in prestigious poetry competitions. Since adolescence she has been a lucid dreamer and this nocturnal pursuit has inspired many of her poems.
“Lush, mysterious and at one with the night-world, Leah Larwood's poems are a beautiful discovery. Open this spell-binding book and prepare to dream.”
~ Liz Berry
"In these witchy and richly imagined poems Leah Larwood travels into the architecture, forests and underworlds of dreams, seeking out what lives there; seeking to heal the fractured self. I am reminded of the haunting surrealist work of Leonora Carrington where each framed depiction is offered as material findings of a purposeful oneironautical exploration."
~ Helen Ivory
“Leah Larwood’s poem ‘Gold Divers’ feels mythical, fresh and strange. I was completely seduced by this epic and folkloric sequence.”
~ Malika Booker